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I started working at Cafe Arta in the Summer of 2021


I was feeling disengaged from the real world both because of the pandemic and the academia bubble I found myself in. This job came as a breath of fresh air where I was using different skills and interacting with new people, staying active, learning, and building community. Plus, tips don't hurt!


I have always loved school. And I don't think I want to be completely done with it.


But with all of the challenges these past few years have brought me in terms of the pandemic, my mental health, and other personal struggles, I am burnt out. I need a break from academia, the constant deadlines, the self-imposed guilt, and the feeling that my free time doesn't really belong to me. I am really enjoying working at Cafe Arta and in the service industry in general, and while it's obviously not perfect or stress-free, it is an interesting and exciting way to make money and stay engaged with a community around me.


So, while future academic plans might not be on the visible horizon, I look forward to continuing to learn and grow while figuring out how my passion, my skills, and my drive can come together to make whatever difference I want to make in this world!

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